A Visit to Our Lord

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I’ve been absent for a while…it’s been a long year to find writing footing again.

The more I pay Our Lord Jesus these little visits, the more I want to stay there with Him and never leave–especially with the way the world seems these days.

But we must carry on.

A short prayer that came to me on this visit:

Lord help me to do what You want of my life
Not what my selfish inclinations want for me
Nor what the world may tell me what should be.
If it is contrary to Your Will help me to know that I may be at peace with the Child of God You made me to be.

That’s all I got tonight.  The tank may be low for my writing but I refuse to give up.

Please keep me in your prayers and I will keep you all in mine.

Let’s reflect Christ to everyone we meet and let Him touch us in others.


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